Monday, February 11, 2008

Winter In God's Country

I just had to go outside and take a look around the property. The snow is really getting deep. Hopefully spring will be on its way soon. Until then I guess we can just enjoy the views.

Enough is Enough Already

Yes I like the snow, but I think we have more than we need.......also this is at the top of the hills and therefore it will all be at the bottom (where the house is) when it melts. Maybe I should start digging a deeper hole someplace next to the house so the water doesn't end up in the house.

Monday, January 21, 2008 usual time is flying by again. The holidays are long past already, I did manage to do quite a bit of baking and decorating, the decorations are all packed away now and so is most of the baking, (mostly in my tummy) my hubby didn't eat much, and I put some in the freezer. I did some cookie exchanging but forgot to take some with me on Christmas day for the family get together so I had more than I needed.

It's past mid January now and My hubby had his two month checkup, CT and Bone Scan, we will get the results from his doctor tomorrow, he isn't feeling well most of the time so he has been very inactive. I did start us on some puzzles, he worked on it some but I got so hooked I was staying up till past 12:00 and 1:00AM, finished the first one last night. I tried to get Hubby to start a new one this morning but he wasn't interested, mostly he dozes on and off all the time. I hope this isn't the beginning of the end for him, he seems to have given up on everything. Hopefully the Dr can suggest something to help him out.

Meanwhile I have been trying to work on finishing the house, I did some drywall patching and painting and put up shelves inside the laundry room closet, now we just have to build the wall around the shelves and washer & dryer, and put the bi-fold doors on and that project will be finished.

It has been a winter wonderland out here for the past week. I will try to post some pictures later. I finally saw a few deer again, since hunting they seemed quite scarce around here. I just love watching nature in my beautiful "God's Country".